
Elderly/ Grand Mother Project
Guiding Principles


Reaching out to 362 grand mothers/ extended relatives in care of orphans and disadvantaged children.

  • Support Income generating activities

  • Rehabilitation and provision of shelter

Reaching out to 500 children who are drop out of school, to be supported to go back to school.

  • School fees payment

  • 1 child at primary level =

  • 60 children's at primary level =

  • 1 child in secondary level =

  • 200 children =

  • The above estimated include Scholastic materials(Stationery ie. Exercise books, Papers, text books) and uniform/school wear

"To Achieve a Complete Health Status among the Vulnerable Communities" "To Strengthen the capacity of the organization to improve service delivery to vulnerable communities. Through Advocacy, lobbying, and networking with other organizations, Capacity building and empowerment programs of workers and general improvement of their welfare. " " To Promote, establish and support any other programs that aim at improvement of human welfare among vulnerable communities."

School program

This constitution shall be the supreme and binding authority of the members of the Organization and if any resolution, verdict or strategy is inconsistent with this constitution, this constitution shall always prevail and the resolution, verdict or strategy shall, to the degree of the inconsistency be null and void. The constitution shall be above the General Assembly.

HSN is a non-profit Equipping and educational organization helping people to maximize their potential

Our team



  • Increased awareness and prevention of HIV/AIDS

  • Sexual reproductive health

  • Behavior change approaches

  • Counseling and Guidance

  • Treatment of STis and diseases and referrals

  • Hygiene and sanitation

  • Nutrition


Wduly constituted. Reports indicating the source of funds, expenditures and achievements shall be produced annually and distributed to the organization's stake holders. Work plan shall be discussed and approved before implementation. In development of transparency, a Board of trustees shall be put in place for examining accountability, budget advisory and monitoring the affairs of the Executive members of the organization.

The origin of the Organization's activities shall be the principles of democracy and transparency.